Sunday, April 27, 2008

Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)

Principle: A class (object) should have one and only one, reason to change

SRP says, a class (object) should emit a single behavior (collection of methods resulting in that one behavior). Any changes to the object's behavior should only be the reason to make changes to its corresponding class. Adhering to SRP should result in modular, flexible and cohesive interfaces.

Here is an example that violates SRP

class Payroll {
void ComputePaySlip( const std::string & emp_id );
void ShowPaySlip( const std::string & emp_id );


There are two tasks in Payroll class , pay computation and pay slip presentation. Potentially these two jobs can be separated out each going into its own class.

The computation part calculates the monthly pay based on number of working hours, special incentives if any, any deductions and tax to withhold etc. If the taxation rules changes, the behavior of Payroll needs to be modified (for a valid reason) but it might unknowingly disrupt the functionality (behavior) of the pay slip presentation part as both were sharing the same object data.

In similar manner, any change in requirements to modify the presentation logic might affect the pay computation part due to the implicit dependency (being part of the same object).

It might be a good idea to break the class into two as the current class seems to emit two potentially different behaviors. Decoupling the behaviors helps handling behavior change without worrying about potentially damaging the other (doesn't it sounds better dependency management?).

SRP might be very hard to implement, it requires good ability in judging what should be considered a single behavior (demarcating or separating behaviors is a complex job :-), but results would be plenty ).


SRP (objectmentor)
Advanced Principles of OO Class Design - PPT
Cohesion - SRP
SRP (wikipedia)

Previous Topic:

Open Closed Principle

Friday, April 25, 2008

Open Closed Principle (OCP)

Lets see a simple and elegant piece of code (read input from keyboard and write the contents to a file)

void Copy()
int c;

while( ( c = ReadKeyboard() ) != EOF )

It is/was considered elegant because each module hides lot of details from the user (of copy). One doesn't need to bother about how the keyboard works or what kind of keyboard it is etc, so is the same with writing to files.

The only issue with this piece of code is lack re usability. Ex: read from keyboard and write to a printer instead of a file (its rigid and immobile).

The interface Copy need to be modified to accommodate new requirement which potentially might break the existing functionality, that’s exactly what OCP attempts to avoid/attack.

Following is a modified code to accommodate new requirement (ability to write to a printer)

enum OutputDev { printer, file };

void Copy( OutputDev dev )
int c;

while( ( c = ReadKeyboard() ) != EOF )
if( dev == printer )

Let see what OCP says

A module (C++ entity) should be open for extension and closed for modifications --R. Martin (96)
Modules should be written so they can be extended without requiring them to be modified --B. Mayer (88)

OCP says that, adding new types of a behavior should not happen at the cost of potentially modifying the existing behavior (modifications might introduce bugs).

The whole idea is to add new types of behavior by extending rather by modifying the current behavior so that new additions can guarantee no dents to current behavior.

An interface/public method defines the behavior of an object. Abstraction is a key concept which helps writing OCP compliant interfaces. C++'s polymorphism (static and dynamic) helps extending behavior to new types.

OCP only talks about adding/extending the behavior and not about modifying the original behavior itself . If there are any logical flaws in the existing code, they need to be fixed.

OCP adhering solution looks as below

// abstract reader interface
class ReaderAbstract{
virtual int Read( ) = 0;

// abstract writer interface

class WriterAbstract{
virtual void Write( int c ) = 0;

class SrcKeyboard: public ReaderAbstract {
int Read()
// read a character from keyboard

class SrcFile: public ReaderAbstract {
int Read()
// read a character from file

class TrgtFile: public WriterAbstract {
void Write( int c )
// write a character to file

class TrgtPrinter: public WriterAbstract {
void Write( int c )
// write a character to printer

void Copy ReaderAbstract & src, WriterAbstract & trgt )
int c;

while( ( c = src.Read() ) ! = EOF )
trgt.Write( c );

Because the abstract interface allowed us easily adding new type of source and target without modifying the current code, we can say that our design is closed against modifications.

But it may not always be possible to close a design w.r.t potential modifications. OCP gives a breather here in form of strategic closure (partial OCP).

Strategic closure says that if full OCP is not possible, identify areas of an interface which can't be closed 100% against modifications, minimize its scope and document the same . Domain knowledge, design experience comes handy in figuring out where and how to apply strategic closure .

OCP Heuristics

  • Never make data members public as they might result in potential tight dependency in form of derived classes (if they are playing with the base public data members)
  • Global variables are dangerous (same as public data members)
  • RTTI, switch statements could be dangerous (mostly they work with types and adding new type might require changes to the code to accommodate the new types)
  • Based on circumstances and need basis, exceptions apply to OCP too (For example: globals are the only option to share vital information etc). Be very cautious before thinking of taking an exception from OCP


Design Principles and Design Patterns - PDF
The Open Closed Principle - PDF
The Open Close Principle - one more
Open/Closed Principle - wikipedia
The Open Closed Principle - Doodle Project
Principles of Object Oriented Design - PPT
Advanced Principles of OO Class Design - PPT

Previous Topic:

OO Design principles, an Intro

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Assorted OOD Principles - Introduction

Recently I have presented a tech talk to my team on assorted object oriented design principles (in C++). Here is an attempt to reproduce it in a better shape (my apologies to the concerned, if due acknowledgments were missing).

Issue: Software has behavior; it can suffer from aging and starts emitting smells

Aim: Control the direction of Software's behavior (i.e make it behave as intended and not the other way)

Our job is to get to know and benefit from well known, widely used design principles (we can find counter arguments too).

These principles are expected to help us

  • keeping the software correct, simple, stable, reusable, extendable …
  • reducing the learning curve for new comers, thereby saving $ for the company
  • feel proud thyself for delivering a great piece of software

Covered principles

  • Open Closed Principle (OCP)
  • Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)
  • Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)
  • Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)
  • Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)
  • Law of Demeter of Methods (LoD)

What goes wrong with Software?

  • People
    • A piece of code is the reflection of a person/team/organization
    • Any piece of software reflects the organizational structure that produced it (Melvin Conway)
  • Changing requirements (key cause)
    • Either we fix things or add behavior (call it enhancements)
    • Not all systems are designed/modified with further change in requirements in mind
  • Poor dependency management (very crucial design aspect)

As a result, Software starts emitting smells

  • Rigidity: making simple changes becomes hard, re usability decreases
  • Fragility: trivial changes cause the system to break in strangest places
  • Immobility: changes require major re-factor rather constant minor (simple) modifications/enhancing
  • Viscosity: doing things right becomes hard hence people start hacking (which may not preserve the design)
    • Viscosity of environment (confine changes to avoid tedious processes)
    • Viscosity of Design (choosing a simple hack over complex but correct solution, breaks the design)
In short: Aging code looks complex and un manageable (or simply call it LEGACY)