Friday, September 22, 2017

How JavaScript works

This is a great talk on how JavaScript works. Callbacks, event loop and async behavior and poor webpage rendering etc.

Some more details around java script engines can be found in the following series of articles.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Impact of Automation

Lately the news suggest that automation is eating into jobs - Evidence That Robots Are Winning the Race for American Jobs. This trend may not sustain for long for a simple reason, products need customers!!! with no jobs, who would consume things?

This brings to me believe that, people will be paid for doing no work? probably yes. Gov't might consider paying guaranteed minimum income GMI or big enterprises might pay you for using their service such as youtube etc, where every thing about you is sold as a product to enterprises or targeted ads.

This is fine, just that we might forget to do work and stop using our brain, or the consequences could be anything as an idle mind is the devils workshop.

Edit 1: 16th May 2017 - another interesting perspective is available here - Eliminating The Human

Looks like Elon Musk have plans to address my later concerns - Elon Musk on AI